Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/61

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Jesus All in All.
Mein hertzens Jesu meine Lust.

<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 2/2 \key g \major \autoBeamOff \override = #'classical \partial 4 
  d | g4. a8 b4 e, | e8 ([fis]) g4 fis4. g8 | fis8 ([e]) d4 g4. 
  a8 | a2 g | r4 d g4. a8 | b4 e, e8 ([fis]) g4 | a4. g8 fis ([e]) d4 |
  g4. a8 a2 | g2 r4 g8 ([fis]) | e4 e e e | d8 ([c b8.]) c16 b4. d8 | e4
  fis8 ([g]) a ([g]) fis ([g]) | e4. d8 d2 | r4 g a b | c8. ([d16] b8.) c16 a2 | g2. r4 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Sweet Ie -- sus who my wish ful -- fills, In whom my soul re -- po -- ses, My lips lye on thy breasts those hills, of li -- lies and of ro -- ses. My mouth for thee's pre -- par -- ing praise, \markup{\concat{w\super{ch}}} while thy good -- ness thus dis -- playes, so ma -- ny sweets in -- clo -- ses.}
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key g \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  g4 | g fis g c, | cis a d2 | \stemUp d4 d8 [c] b4 \stemNeutral
  c4 | d2 g, | r4 g' g fis | g2 e2 | d2 d4 d8 [c] |
  b4 c d2 | g,1 | c'2 b | a g4 fis | e
  c b g | a2 d | r4 b' a g | e c d2 | g,2. r4 } >>

Transcribed lyrics 

Sweet Iesus who my wish fulfills,
In whom my soul reposes,
My lips lye on thy breasts those hills,
of lilies and of roses.
[1]My mouth for thee's preparing praise,
wch while thy goodness thus displayes,
so many sweets incloses.