Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/166

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With folded arms Napoleon stood, Serene alike in peace and danger;

And, in his wonted attitude, Addressed the stranger :

'Rash man, that wouldst yon Channel pass On twigs and staves so rudely fashioned;

Thy heart with some sweet British lass Must be impassioned. '

'I have no sweetheart,' said the lad;

'But absent long from one another Great was the longing that I had

To see my mother.'

'And so thou shalt, ' Napoleon said, 'Ye've both my favour fairly won;

A noble mother must have bred So brave a son. '

He gave the tar a piece of gold,

And, with a flag of truce, commanded

He should be shipped to England Old, And safely landed.

Our sailor oft could scantly shift To find a dinner, plain and hearty;

But never changed the coin and gift Of Bonaparte".

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