Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/195

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'Tis time this heart should be unmoved,

Since others it hath ceased to move : Yet, though I cannot be beloved, Still let me love !

My days are in the yellow leaf;

The flowers and fruits of love are gone; The worm, the canker, and the grief Are mine alone !

The fire that on my bosom preys Is lone as some volcanic isle; No torch is kindled at its blaze A funeral pile.

The hope, the fear, the jealous care,

The exalted portion of the pain And power of love, I cannot share, But wear the chain.

But 'tis not thus, and 'tis not here,

Such thoughts should shake my soul, nor now Where glory decks the hero's bier, Or binds his brow.

The sword, the banner, and the field, Glory and Greece, around me see ! The Spartan borne upon his shield Was not more free.

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