Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/226

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And haughtily the trumpets peal, and gaily dance

the bells, As slow upon the labouring wind the royal blazon


Look how the Lion of the sea lifts up his ancient crown, And underneath his deadly paw treads the gay lilies

down ! So stalked he when he turned to flight, on that

famed Picard field, Bohemia's plume, and Genoa's bow, and Caesar's

eagle shield. So glared he when at Agincourt in wrath he turned

to bay, And crushed and torn beneath his claws the princely

hunters lay. Ho ! strike the flagstaff deep, Sir Knight : ho ! scatter

flowers, fair maids : Ho! gunners, fire a loud salute: ho! gallants, draw

your blades : Thou sun, shine on her joyously: ye breezes, waft

her wide; Our glorious SEMPER EADEM, the banner of our pride.

The freshening breeze of eve unfurled that banner's

massy fold; The parting gleam of sunshine kissed that haughty

scroll of gold; Night sank upon the dusky beach and on the

purple sea, Such night in England ne'er had been, nor e'er

again shall be.

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