Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/261

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So they watched what the end would be.

And we had not fought them in vain,

But in perilous plight were we,

Seeing forty of our poor hundred were slain,

And half of the rest of us maimed for life

In the crash of the cannonades and the desperate

strife ; And the sick men down in the hold were most of

them stark and cold, And the pikes were all broken or bent, and the

powder was all of it spent; And the masts and the rigging were lying over the


But Sir Richard cried in his English pride :

'We have fought such a fight for a day and a night

As may never be fought again !

We have <88UP great glory, my men!

And a day less or more .

At sea or ashore,

We die does it matter when?

Sink me the ship, Master Gunner sink her, split

her in twain ! Fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of


And the gunner said, 'Ay, ay,' but the seamen made

reply :

'We have children, we have wives, And the Lord hath spared our lives. We will make the Spaniard promise, if we yield, to

let us go ;

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