Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/277

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Let France, let France's King Thank the man that did the thing! ' What a shout, and all one word,

'Herv( Kiel!'

As he stepped in front once more, Not a symptom of surprise In the frank blue Breton eyes, Just the same man as before.

Then said Damfreville, 'My friend, I must speak out at the end,

Though I find the speaking hard. Praise is deeper than the lips: You have saved the King his ships,

You must name your own reward. 'Faith our sun was near eclipse! Demand whate'er you will, France remains your debtor still. Ask to heart's content and have! or my name's not Damfreville.'

Then a beam of fun outbroke On the bearded mouth that spoke, As the honest heart laughed through Those frank eyes of Breton blue : 'Since I needs must say my say,

Since on board the duty's done,

And from Malo Roads to Croisic Point, what is it

but a run? Since 'tis ask and have, I may

Since the others go ashore Come! A good whole holiday!

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