Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/300

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Come, sit beside me on this sand, and take My head betwixt thy hands, and kiss my cheeks, And wash them with thy tears, and say : My son! Quick ! quick ! for numbered are my sands of life, And swift; for like the lightning to this field I came, and like the wind I go away Sudden, and swift, and like a passing wind. But it was writ in Heaven that this should be. '

So said he, and his voice released the heart Of Rustum, and his tears broke forth; he cast His arms round his son's neck, and wept aloud, And kissed him. And awe fell on both the hosts, When they saw Rustum' s grief; and Ruksh the


With his head bowing to the ground and mane Sweeping the dust, came near, and in mute woe First to the one, then to the other moved His head, as if inquiring what their grief Might mean; and from his dark, compassionate eyes, The big warm tears rolled down, and caked the sand. But Rustum chid him with stern voice, and said :

'Ruksh, now thou grievest; but, O Ruksh, thy feet Should first have rotted on their nimble joints, Or ere they brought thy master to this field ! '

But Sohrab looked upon the horse and said : 'Is this, then, Ruksh? How often in past days, My mother told me of thee, thou brave steed, My terrible father's terrible horse! and said, That I should one day find thy lord and thee. Come, let me lay my hand upon thy mane ! O Ruksh, thou art more fortunate than I;

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