Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/310

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286 CORY

Quebec was once a Frenchman's town, but twenty

years ago King George the Second sent a man called General

Wolfe, you know,

To clamber up a precipice and look into Quebec, As you'd look down a hatchway when standing on

the deck.

If Wolfe could beat the Frenchmen then so you can

beat them now.

Before he got inside the town he died, I must allow. But since the town was won for us it is a lucky name, And you'll remember Wolfe's good work, and you

shall do the same.'

Then Farmer said, 'I'll try, sir,' and Farmer bowed

so low

That George could see his pigtail tied in a velvet bow. George gave him his commission, and that it might

be safer, Signed 'King of Britain, King of France,' and sealed

it with a wafer.

Then proud was Captain Farmer in a frigate of his own, And grander on his quarter-deck than George upon

the throne.

He'd two guns in his cabin, and on the spar-deck ten, And twenty on the gun-deck, and more than ten

score men.

And as a huntsman scours the brakes with sixteen

brace of dogs, With two-and-thirty cannon the ship explored the fogs.

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