Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/335

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And gracious Charity remains

To leaven lowly lives; While there is one untrodden tract

For Intellect or Will, And men are free to think and act

Life is worth living still.

Not care to live while English homes

Nestle in English trees, And England's Trident-Sceptre roams

Her territorial seas ! Not live while English songs are sung

Wherever blows the wind, And England's laws and England's tongue

Enfranchise half mankind ! So long as in Pacific main,

Or on Atlantic strand, Our kin transmit the parent strain,

And love the Mother-land; So long as flashes English steel,

And English trumpets shrill, He is dead already who cloth not feel

Life is worth living still.



OPT in the pleasant summer years, Reading the tiles of days bygone,

I have mused on the story of human tears, All that man unto man has done,

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