Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/80

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The newes was brought to Eddenborrow, Where Scotland's king did raigne,

That brave Erie Douglas suddenlye Was with an arrow slaine :

'O heavy newes,' King James did say, 'Scotland may witnesse be,

I have not any captaine more Of such account as he. '

Like tydings to King Henry came,

Within as short a space, That Percy of Northumberland

Was slaine in Chevy-Chace :

'Now God be with him,' said our king,

' Sith it will no better be; I trust I have, within my realme,

Five hundred as good as he :

Yet shall not Scots nor Scotland say, But I will vengeance take :

I'll be revenged on them all, For brave Erie Percy's sake.'

This vow full well the king performed

After, at Humbledovvne; In one day, fifty knights were slayne,

With lords of great renowne,

And of the rest, of small account, Did many thousands dye.

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