Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/84

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And they wapped them round that gude ship's side, But still the sea cam' in.

O laith, laith were our gude Scots lords

To weet their milk-white hands; But lang ere a' the play was ower

They wat their gowden bands.

O laith, laith were our gude Scots lords

To weet their cork-heeled shoon; But lang ere a' the play was played

They wat their hats aboon.

O lang, lang may the ladies sit

Wi' their fans intill their hand, Before they see Sir Patrick Spens

Come sailing to the strand !

And lang, lang may the maidens sit Wi' their goud kaims in their hair,

A' waiting for their ain dear loves! For them they'll see nae mair.

Half ower, half ower to Aberdour,

It's fifty fathoms deep, And there lies gude Sir Patrick Spens

Wi' the Scots lords at his feet.



THE fifteenth day of July,

With glistering spear and shield,

A famous fight in Flanders Was foughten in the field :

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