Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/99

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With bloody resolution

They thought our men to spill, And they vowed that they would make a prize

Of our Angel Gabriel.

Our gallant ship had in her

Full forty fighting men: With twenty piece of ordnance

We played about them then, With powder, shot, and bullets

Right well we worked our will, And hot and bloody grew the fight

With our Angel Gabriel.

Our Captain to our Master said,

'Take courage, Master bold ! ' Our Master to the seamen said,

'Stand fast, my hearts of gold! ' Our Gunner unto all the rest,

'Brave hearts, be valiant still! Fight on, fight on in the defence

Of our Angel Gabriel ! '

We gave them such a broadside,

It smote their mast asunder, And tore the bowsprit off their ship,

Which made the Spaniards wonder, And caused them in fear to cry,

With voices loud and shrill, 'Help, help, or sunken we shall be

By the Angel Gabriel ! '

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