Page:Lyrical ballads, Volume 2, Wordsworth, 1800.djvu/48

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But, whether blithe or sad, 'tis my belief
His absent Brother still was at his heart.
And, when he liv'd beneath our roof, we found
(A practice till this time unknown to him)
That often, rising from his bed at night,
He in his sleep would walk about, and sleeping
He sought his Brother Leonard—You are mov'd!
Forgive me, Sir: before I spoke to you,
I judg'd you most unkindly.


But this youth,
How did he die at last?


One sweet May morning,
It will be twelve years since, when Spring returns,
He had gone forth among the new-dropp'd lambs,
With two or three companions whom it chanc'd

Some further business summon'd to a house