Page:M-21-15 Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies.pdf/2

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requirement to: “immediately take action, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to require compliance with CDC guidelines with respect to wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and other public health measures by: on-duty or on-site Federal employees; on-site Federal contractors; and all persons in Federal buildings or on Federal lands.”

Specifically, agencies are required to review the attached model principles and develop tailored agency COVID-19 workplace safety plans. The 24 Chief Financial Officer Act agencies must submit their plans by Friday, January 29 to the following site: Other agencies do not need to submit their plans.

Following agency submissions, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force and OMB will work with agencies to review and finalize plans. The principles outlined in the attached model should be used as a starting point for individual agency workforce safety plans, and agencies should adjust, as appropriate, for its mission requirements. Agencies with on-site contractor employees should make appropriate refinements to ensure the principles are applied to contractor employees in a manner that achieves workplace safety. This document is not meant to be comprehensive, and additional implementing guidance will follow as necessary and as conditions evolve, following guidance from the CDC and the Safer Workforce Task Force.

As implementation plans are implemented, agencies should continue to ensure that all employees, on-site contractors, and visitors to Federal workplaces are aware of the requirement to comply with CDC guidelines, including with respect to wearing masks and following appropriate distancing practices.

If agencies have additional questions on OMB MAX access or the development of the safety plan, please direct questions to the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force at

Of paramount concern is the health and safety of all Federal employees and contractors and their families, and the Administration is committed to taking a safe, cautious, iterative, datadriven approach. Thank you for your important role in ensuring the health and safety of our Federal workforce and contractors, their families, and the public in our Federal workplaces.
