Page:M-21-15 Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies.pdf/5

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Face Masks

Federal employees and on-site contractors must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth, and is in accordance with any current CDC and OSHA guidance. CDC recommends the following: Non-medical disposable masks, masks that fit properly (snugly around the nose and chin with no large gaps around the sides of the face), masks made with breathable fabric (such as cotton), masks made with tightly woven fabric (i.e., fabrics that do not let light pass through when held up to a light source), masks with two or three layers, and masks with inner filter pockets. Agencies should not allow novelty/non-protective masks, masks with ventilation valves, or face shields as a substitute for masks.

To the extent funds are available, agencies may purchase masks to provide to staff and visitors, but are not required to provide masks. Agencies may determine that agency-supplied non-medical disposable masks should be worn rather than employee-supplied masks. When making this determination, agencies should consult with the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force for advice. Wearing masks may be difficult for some people with sensory, cognitive, or behavioral issues. If they are unable to wear a mask properly or cannot tolerate a mask, they should not wear one, and adaptations and alternatives should be considered. Accommodations will be made for individuals with required documentation, and should be in accordance with existing Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) guidance.

Appropriate masks should be worn consistently. Masks should be worn in any common areas or shared workspaces (including open floorplan office space, cubicle embankments, and conference rooms). Masks should also be worn in outdoor shared spaces when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Agencies may provide for exceptions consistent with CDC guidelines, for example when an individual is alone in an office with floor to ceiling walls and a closed door or for a limited time when eating or drinking and maintaining distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Individuals may be asked to lower their masks briefly for identification purposes in compliance with safety and security requirements.

If agencies need assistance in procuring masks, they should work with GSA and the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, subject to the availability of appropriations.

Masks do not provide the same level of protection as respirators and should not replace personal protective equipment required or recommended at the workplace.


As required in the Executive Order, the CDC is developing and submitting a testing plan for the Federal workforce to the COVID-19 Response Coordinator. Once that plan is available, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force will follow up with agencies to provide additional guidance.

Contact Tracing

The agency’s COVID-19 Coordination Team will collaborate with and support the contact tracing programs of local health departments to help identify, track, and manage contacts of COVID-19 cases. The agency’s HR Team will engage in coordination with facilities staff to implement infection control and workplace safety efforts once informed of a case of COVID-19 (either due to specific symptoms or positive test).

The agency’s HR team, Assistant Secretary for Management team, or both, have the responsibility to make disclosures to local public health officials as required or necessary to provide for the public health and safety of Federal employees and contractors, in accordance with local public health mandates. If