Page:MU KPB 001 The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie - Illustrated by Artur Rackham.pdf/152

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The Valkyrie
And Friedmund does not
Fit with thy fortunes.
Choose thou the name
Thou wouldst have me be known by:

Thy choice will also be mine!


The name of thy father was Wölfe ?


A wolf to the fearful foxes!

But he whose eye
Shone with the brightness

Which, fairest one, shines in thine own,
Was named—Wälse of old.

Beſide herself.
Was Wälse thy father,
And art thou a Wälsung?——
Stuck was for thee
His sword in the stem?——
Then let my love call thee
What it has found thee;
Shall be thy name.
Springs up.
Siegmund call me
For Siegmund am I!
Be witness this sword
I grasp without shrinking!
That I should find it
In sorest need
Wälse foretold.
I grasp it now!
Love the most pure
In utmost need,
Passionate love,
Consuming desire

Burning bright in my breast,
Drive to deeds and death!