Page:MU KPB 001 The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie - Illustrated by Artur Rackham.pdf/192

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The Valkyrie
Sister! Belovèd !
[He liſtens to her breathing, and, when convinced that ſhe ſtill lives, lets her slide down so that, as he himself ſinks into a ſitting poſlure, her head reſts upon his knees. In this poſition both remain till the end of the following scene. A long ſilence, during which Siegmund bends over Sieglinde with tender concern, and preſses a long kiſs on her brow.

Brünnhilde, leading her horse, comes out of the cave and walks slowly and solemnly towards the front. She pauses and watches Siegmund from a diſtance, then advances slowly again and ſtops when ſhe gets nearer. In one hand ſhe carries her ſhield and spear, the other reſts on her horse’s neck, and thus ſhe gravely ſtands looking at Siegmund.

Look on me
Whom thou
Must follow soon!
Looking up at her.
Who art thou, say,

That dost stand so fair and so stern?

Death-doomed are they
Who look upon me;
Who sees me

Bids farewell to the light of life.

On the battle-field only
Heroes view me;
He whom I greet

Is chosen and must go.

Looks into her
When thou dost lead,

Whither follows the hero?

eyes with a long ſteadfaſt and searching gaze, then bows his head in thought and finally turns resolutely to her again.