Page:MU KPB 001 The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie - Illustrated by Artur Rackham.pdf/238

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The Valkyrie
‘Tis thus that the God
From thee turns:

He kisses thy Godhead away!

[He kiſses her long on the eyes, and with these closed ſhe ſinks back softly into his arms, unconscious, He carries her gently to a low moſsy mound, and lays her there beneath the broad-spreading pine-tree which overſhadows it. He gazes at her and closes her helmet; his eyes then reſt on the form of the sleeper, which he completely covers with the great ſteel shield of the Valkyries. Having done so, he moves slowly away, turning to take one more sorrowful look. Then he ſtrides with solemn resolve to the middle of the ſtage, and points his sword towards a large rock.
Loge, hear!
Hark to my word!
I who found thee at first
A fiery flame,
And from whom thou didst vanish
In wandering fire,
I, who once bound,
Bid thee break forth!

Appear, flickering fire,
Encircle the rock with thy flame!

[He ſtrikes the rock three times with his spear during the following.
Loge! Loge! Appear!
[A gleam of fire iſsues from the ſtone and gradually becomes a fiery glow; flickering flames break forth. Soon wild, shooting flames surround Wotan, who, with his spear, directs the sea of fire to encircle the rock. It spreads towards the background, so that the mountain is surrounded by flame.