Page:MU KPB 016 Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures.pdf/17

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In the course of his adventures, Jack sleeps at the house of a monstrous Welsh giant with two heads. In the morning he has breakfast with the giant. Each has a bowl containing four gallons of hasty pudding. “One would have thought that the greater portion of so extrava­gant an allowance would have been declined by our hero, but he was unwilling the giant should imagine his incapability to eat it, and accordingly placed a large leather bag under his loose coat in such a position that he could convey the pudding into it without the deception being perceived. Breakfast at length being finished, Jack excited the giant’s curiosity by offering to show him an extraordinary sleight of hand; so taking a knife, he ripped the leather bag, and out, of course, descended on the ground all the hasty pudding. The giant had not the slightest suspicion of the trick, veritably believing the pudding came from its natural receptacle, and having the same antipathy to being beaten, exclaimed in true Welsh, ‘Odds splutters, hur can do that trick hurself.’ The sequel may be readily guessed. The monster took the knife, and thinking to follow Jack’s example with impunity, killed himself on the spot.”