Page:MacGrath--The luck of the Irish.djvu/224

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CAMDEN, blissfully unconscious that he had let the cat out of the bag, landed at the jetty. It was early morning, yet the heat was already excessive and enervating.

"Mr. Camden!"

Camden turned to find Norton Colburton's Japanese valet at his elbow.

"Hello, Saki! Where's your master?"

"He iss at the offissers' club, and wants to see you at once, sar."

"Where's the yacht?"

"Back at ten o'clock, sar."

"All right. Nort is up pretty early for him."

The valet shrugged. His master got up early or he got up late, it was all the same to him.

Camden barked some words to his Arab boatmen—he had a traveler's smattering of half a dozen tongues—and proceeded into town. At seven-thirty he rapped on the door of Colburton's room at the officers' club and was bidden to enter.

Colburton was in pajamas and sandals, and he was sipping tea.

"Glad to see you, Dick." He waved his hand toward a chair. "Haven't been to bed yet.