Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/262

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to consider the background. The neighbourhood of landmarks and the tops of prominent features should be avoided.

4. Their power of all-round traversing and their great effect against deep targets make machine guns specially suitable for position on a flank, whence they can bring enfilade fire to bear. A position in the firing line is rarely suitable, as the fire of the guns may be masked and the enemy's fire drawn on the firing line.

5. The interval between guns in action should be as large as is compatible with effective control, but the front occupied by the massed guns of a brigade should rarely exceed 150 yards.

Machine Guns in Attack

1. Since machine guns are unsuited for maintaining a continuous fire, they will usually best assist the infantry by withholding their fire during the earlier stages of the battle, so as to be able to intervene at more critical periods. Machine guns allotted to a protective detachment will, however, always be employed so as best to assist the detachment in its special duties (Field Service Regulations, Part I., Chap. V.).

2. It will depend upon the general situation whether the machine guns should be placed under the control of the brigade machine-gun officer or left with the battalions to which they belong. When the facilities for concealment