Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/38

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during range practice, so that they may be carried out under service conditions during the field practices which follow.

The tactical training should commence as soon as the field practices have been completed. The course for this should be carefully mapped out beforehand and should be based upon the principles given in Chapter II. and in the chapter dealing with the arm to which the section belongs, and should culminate in divisional manœuvres. This course might follow the following headings:

(1) Drill over rough country.

(2) Selecting a position.

(3) Selecting alternate positions.

(4) Taking up a position.

(5) Screening guns.

(6) Making artificial cover.

(7) Mutual support (movement and fire).

(8) Indirect fire.

(9) A battery working on a wide front in mutual support.

No drill for a battery has been authorised yet (1909), but the simple formations of a troop as laid down in Cavalry Training will be found admirably suited for a battery of machine guns on pack-horses with mounted detachment.

The writer is fully aware of the condition under which machine guns are officered and manned at present, and that a great error has been made in estimating the time required to train the detachments. The Germans, who have