Page:Madras Journal of Literature and Science, series 1, volume 6 (1837).djvu/150

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Account of the Operations

13th. One dhoney was employed in the small channel, and did a great quantity of work; during the day a few more small blasts were fired, and 26 tons of stone were taken away, and out of the large channel 75 tons, measuring 1120 cubic feet. Besides the two dhonies and sapper, that are constantly employed in the large channel, I have lately kept the paumben at work in those places where fragments of stone have been blasted, and of these it takes away three or four heavy raft loads in the course of the day.

14th. The borer and jumper proceeded to the north of the north reef, where eight holes were made. The large dhoney, and sapper, with its tender, and shamrock, were employed on the southern reef, whilst the paumben proceeded to different parts of the channel in search of any loose fragments of stone. A party of sepoys were employed at the small channel with the small dhoney. They removed between them twenty-four tons of stone, whilst seventy tons measuring 1050 cubic feet were taken from the large channel.

15th. The small dhoney was employed at the small channel, and the latter is now quite free from obstructions of any kind. The large dhoney, with the sapper, removed from the main channel fifty tons of stone, measuring 750 cubic feet.