Page:Madras Journal of Literature and Science, series 1, volume 6 (1837).djvu/355

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Account of the New Colony of Western Australia.

October.— Early part fine, middle cloudy and showery, latter alternately cloudy and fine, rain on 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 19th and 31st. Winds S. W.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 88 66½ 51 Barom. 30.25 30.07½ 29.90

November.— Early part generally fine, middle cloudy and showery, and also latter end; rain on 8th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 21 st, 23d, 24th, 26th, 27th (full moon), 28th and 29th; lightning on 14th, and lightning and thunder on 17th and 26th. Winds E. N. E. and S. W.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 91 70¾ 54 Barom. 30.30 30.05 29.80

December.— Early part fine, middle cloudy and sultry, latter end fine; rain on 1st, 27th (full moon), 30th end 31st; lightning and thunder on 13th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st. Winds N.— N. E. and S. W.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 100 76 54 Barom. 30.30 30.05 29.80

The prevalent diseases of this year were catarrhs, hooping cough, and opthalmia; cases of fever, dysentery and rheumatism were also occasionally met with.