Page:Madras Journal of Literature and Science, series 1, volume 6 (1837).djvu/40

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On the Language, Manners, and Rites, of the

knee anthu menda

leg punda pottu

eye ankhi kannu

ear kanno kirru

tongue jibbo wangosy

earth matti virra

stone patro vaddi

water pani 1. sideru 2. sideruji

milk palu padu

salt nuno saru

leather chummo (gooroo) panda

battle-axe tangi tangi

cloth lugga sinda

brass-goglet pida muta

marking-nut gonje

gooseberry aumla zarga kanga

saber bean chary gotza (tree) pa erri (fruit)

horse ghorra ghora

leaf puttera akka

(mountain) indigo vareda

(mountain) beans of vareyda guzerka

(mountain) flowers of vareyda poongha

I eat the flowers of M. I. vareda poongha tinum

tree (bark of) terasu mhranu

burra gotza bodda gotza darri mhranu

burra dez bodda dez muta khonda

what language do you speak? ki kotha koucho anni katta vespimanjari

dubash dobashi dubassa

what business is the dubash's? dobashi ki, ki peyti wutchi dubassa anni kabbari giajinaru

who went there now? yebbe kese golla ci battere i pari imbai sajjumunni

what did you do with the cloth? ce lugga kaunokollo e sinda anna gitti

I gave it to my wife to put on humaro bhajoki pindibako dellu mai kura nagulaimunni site tatite

give a seer of rice to that man ce manusho ko sere chaulo de e manaheniki pranga ade ka site

give a seer of rice to that woman ce maikana ko sere chaula de e asamida ade ka pranga sidu

give a seer of toor to that horse ce ghorra ko sere khandulo de e ghoratiki khanga ade ka sidoo