Page:Madras Journal of Literature and Science, series 1, volume 6 (1837).djvu/95

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On the Structure and Habits of the Elanus Melanopterus.

mounted, in embarking on such publications, is the expense necessarily incurred before any return can be expected; and then the uncertainty of finding a demand for such costly works, sufficient to indemnify the publisher for his risk and first heavy outlay. Whether it will be possible to overcome these impediments in Madras I have yet to learn, but enquiry is now on foot, and if I find that it can be 'got up' at so cheap a rate as to secure for itself, such a sale as will nearly cover the cost, I shall be happy to avail myself of the issue of your next number to make known the plan, and exhibit a specimen of the work, by the publication of a prospectus, and in the mean time, if any among your readers are desirous of encouraging the undertaking, they, by making their wishes known, may greatly contribute towards having them gratified, as the names of even a few unexpected subscribers may go for in determining the course I shall pursue. Apologising for the unexpected length to which this letter has extended,

I remain, dear sir,
Yours ever faithfully,
Robert Wright


Robert Cole, Esquire, &c. &c. &c.

VIII.—On the Structure and Habits of the Elanus Melanopterus.—By B. H. Hodgson, Esq. British Resident in Nipal.

To the Editor of the Madras Journal.

Sir,—The following details relative to the structure and habits of Elanus Melanopterus will prove interesting to all persons engaged in the noble attempt to classify birds according to their natural affinities, or, in other words, according to their essential conformation and manners.

Whether this attempt will succeed in the hands of such as, for the moat part, have no adequate means of knowing more of habits and economy, than can be gleaned from the random notices of merely casual observers, nor any more of structure than can be elaborated from dry skins, remains to be seen. But I return to my subject.

Genus. Elanus.
Species. Elanus Melanopterus.

The Chanwa and Chanwa Musaher of Hindosthan.