Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 1 new series 1856-57.djvu/74

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62 Bescriptiom of neic Ceylon QoJeoptera. [xo. 1, new series,

2. Chhnius b-maculatus. X.

C. praecedente major, minus convexus,latioT, rugosus, pubescens; supra obscure nigro-viridis, capite viridi- seneo, nitente, glabro, ely- tris maculis 5 flavis ; subtus piceus : pedibus, elytrorum margine antennisque flavis, ore tnoracisque margine raagis minusve brun- neis. Long, corp. 6| lin.

Caput ante oculos leviter 2-impressum, punctulatum. Antennae art. 3° quarto plus sesqui lonjriore. Thorax subquadrato-rotun- datus, latitudine baud brevier, dorschplanus, ad basin 2-impressus, rugosus, pilosus. Elytra subdepressa,; subtiliter striata, rugosa, pilosa, maculis 2 humeralibus, 2 intermediis, 1 apicali flavis or- nata.

Specimen singulum m. in lacus Colombensis rip is sub gramini- bus putrescentibus legi.

Not less distinguished than tie former, especially by the round- ed shape of the thorax and the 5 yellowish spots with which the elytra are adorned. These are arranged in the following manner : 2 small ones at the shoulders, 2 large transverse ones at the mid- dle stretching from the external margin towards the suture reach- ing, however, but little more than half across, 1 at the apex ; this is of the shape of a hammer, and half in one and half in the other elytron. The palpi appear to me longer and more markedly elbowed at the joints than is usual with insects of this genus, the last joint is deeply excavated at the tip. The thorax is of sub- orbicular form, the back and hind part are flat, the sides slightly depressed, the margin sharp, the basal impressions very near the angles : it is, as are also the elytra, rough and finely pubescent, the striae of the latter being thereby rendered obsolete. Legs of m. stout, anterior tarsi strongly dilated.

3. C]d(Bnius fulcher. X.

C, elongatus, subconvexus, subglabratus, aeneo-viridis, elytris obscurioribus, limbo pedibusque flavis, subtus piceus. Long. corp. 6| lin.

Caput oblongum nitidissimura, ante oculos 2-impressum, Men- tum dente fortiter excavate. Antennx- art. 3^ quarto sesqui Ion-