Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 2 new series 1857.djvu/59

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APRil—JUNE, 1837.]
The Tamil Epic Chintamani.

contains 221 verses. In this portion of the work the nuptials of Jìvaka and Ilakanei his maternal uncle's daughter are described.

13. The thirteenth section is called Mutti Ilambakam. The final portion of the poem describes the religious acts of Jìvaka and his wives, the partition of his dominions among hi? sons, and the renunciation of all secular pursuits and objects by himself and his devoted female associates.

This brief analysis of the work under notice, it is confessed, conveys but little to persuade the conviction of its superiority; the assumed facts of the Epic alone are here given. Though these may appear inadequate as the basis of a work for which so much is claimed, yet the work itself is so replete with credible incidents, so wrought up by the vigor of literary talent, so interspersed with remarks involving the keenest introspection into the grounds of human action, so rich in theological sentiment, so redolent of all the attractions of poetic genius, so full of circumstances evincing the condition of the arts and the customs of social life at the period of its composition; that the scholar, the poet, and the antiquary must be equally impressed in favor of the talent of the author, and the unrivalled power of the language in which he has embodied the splendid creations of his imagination.

Sometime ago an intimation was put forth in one of the weekly Journals to the effect that the work, whose analysis is here briefly sketched, would, if encouragement were afforded, be published. The idea has not been abandoned; but such would be the weight of the undertaking to a single individual, it can hardly be expected that any one will be bold enough to enter upon it. No doubt a considerable number of copies might be sold among the natives perhaps 500, and in time, it is possible, the publisher might recover the capital expended on the work.