Page:Magdalen by J S Machar.pdf/171

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of the doctor. There were quite a number of men who were anxious for decorations, but whom proud Benda had turned away, on the ground that they had never worn the emperor’s uniform. The doctor called together these rejected men, and wrote them out some by-laws. A new society came into life. Everybody, without exception, could be its member. The society had about one hundred men. Their uniforms were even more expensive than those of the others. There was still more gold upon them, but from their hats waved white panaches. The society bore the name of even a greater person than the grey marshal himself,—in short, it was a dangerous rival. It grew and grew. Many black ones left Benda soon, and went over to the white panaches. Now these white ones were also to get a banner, and the doctor’s wife was to be godmother. (There was no princess present, therefore the doctor made a mighty democratic speech at one of the meetings: