Page:Magdalen by J S Machar.pdf/256

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by a sugar refinery, crossed the glistening railway track, and walked through Vysočany.

The road was now filled with life,—men and women were hastening home from their work.

Bits of low conversation about every-day cares and interests reached her ear, but she did not hear them. . . . She crossed Libeň, and went through the row of acacias past the Home of the Invalids. The tinkling of the tramway bells, the clatter of the city was already audible. . . .

She entered Karlín. She felt the pavement under her feet. The air was heavier here, and, full of heat and stifling exhalations, it breathed upon her. Her faintness suddenly disappeared. She took a deep breath, and looked around her. The street was noisy with men and vehicles. . . . From the shops streamed a yellow light that gleamed at a distance, as though it were still in vain struggling with the daylight.