Page:Magdalen by J S Machar.pdf/260

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wards. She summoned all her strength, and walked the few hundred steps. She stopped again.

What quiet reigned all around her! Only the water down there spoke mysteriously.

The bright walls of the Concert Hall stood at the right. Before her the bridge stretched out its grey arm. Beyond, the river Hradčany towered mightily against the pure, golden sky.

The water below roared and roared.

She went as far as the railing. . . . Toward the left, in the park, were a few people,—lovers, tenderly embracing each other,—perhaps they would not notice her. . . .

How ghastly and weird the water of the dam roared there at one side!

How the greenish monster rushed against the pier of the bridge! How cold was the air that watery mass exhaled!

A terror, such as she had never before felt, clutched at her throat. Her legs refused to