Page:Mahometanism in its relation to prophecy - or, an inquiry into the prophecies concerning antichrist, with some reference to their bearing on the events of the present day (IA mahometanisminit00philrich).pdf/218

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against him;" that is, a king who shall rule over what is to the south of that other territory which is characterized in the same prophecy as the dominion of the King of the North.

Now it is a fact, whatever be the relations between Mahometanism and this prophecy, that we arc not far off from the conclusion of the twelve hundred and sixtieth year of Mahometan history. And it is equally a fact, that notwithstanding the disgraceful jealousies of the Christian powers, a kingdom has been created in the south of Europe, the very existence of which is a triumph over Mahometanism—the kingdom of Greece. In Africa, still further south, the French nation have wrested another large territory from the Mahometan dominion, the vast province of Algeria, and no one can doubt that the same noble power threatens the existence of the empire of Morocco.

What then Daniel foresaw the nineteenth century has accomplished, The King of the South has fought against Mahomet. But it is not in the south alone that Mahomet is to suffer, "The King of the North shall come against him like a tempest, with chariots, and horsemen, and a great navy, and he shall enter into the countries, and shall destroy, and shall pass through. And he shall enter into the