Page:Mammalia (Beddard).djvu/276

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mixed with poison it cleaves in two, which experiment has been seen by thousands of people." John Evelyn also wrote of a well in Italy which was kept sweet by a Rhinoceros' horn. This species seems to be long-lived, even in captivity; a specimen now to be seen in the Zoological Society's Gardens has been there since the year 1864.

Rhinoceros sondaicus, the Rhinoceros of the Sunderbunds, has a much wider range than the last species or Indian Rhinoceros. This is unknown out of India itself, and is there limited to a small region; the Sondaic form is found in Bengal and in the Malayan Islands. It is a smaller species, and the armour has a tesselated appearance. The female generally, if not always, is hornless.

Fig. 131.—Sumatran Rhinoceros. Rhinoceros sumatrensis. × 115. (From Nature.)

The Sumatran species, Rhinoceros sumatrensis, is to be distinguished from the last two by its two horns. It is also covered