Page:Mammalia (Beddard).djvu/580

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that of Mycetes. Nevertheless Professor Weldon[1] has found in a female of C. gigot a patch of ossification on the thyroid cartilage of the larynx which may be an indication of something more in the male. There are eleven species.

Nyctipithecus, the Doroucouli Monkeys, is a genus of somewhat Lemurine appearance, caused by their large eyes. But they reminded Bates of an Owl or a Tiger-cat! They have a long, but not prehensile tail. As in the Marmosets, the lower incisors project forwards in a Lemurine fashion. The thumb is very short. A peculiarity of this genus is the twenty-two dorso-lumbar vertebrae. As in Chrysothrix, but not as in Callithrix, the hemispheres of the brain are smooth. There are five species, of which one occurs so far north as Nicaragua; the rest are Brazilian, extending down to the Argentine.

Fig. 266.—Red-faced Ouakari. Brachyurus rubicundus. × 15.

The Ouakari Monkeys, Brachyurus,[2] are, as the name denotes, short-tailed forms. Two species, B. rubicundus and B. calvus, have bright red faces; B. melanocephalus has a black one. There is a small thumb. The brain is fairly convoluted, and is to be specially compared with that of Cebus and Pithecia. The

  1. "Notes on Callithrix gigot," Proc. Zool. Soc. 1884, p. 6.
  2. Forbes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 639.