Page:Mammals of Australia (Gould), introduction.djvu/48

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49. Podabrus crassicaudatus, GouldVol. I. Pl. 47

Habitat. Western and Southern Australia.

Genus Sarcophilus, F. Cuv.

50. Sarcophilus ursinusVol. I. Pl. 48.

Habitat. Van Diemen's Land.

Genus Dasyurus, Geoff.

51. Dasyurus maculatusVol. I. Pl. 49.

Habitat. Van Diemen's Land, New South Wales, and Victoria.

52. Dasyurus viverrinusVol. I. Pl. 50.

Habitat. Van Diemen's Land and Victoria.

53. Dasyurus Geoffroyi, GouldVol. I. Pl. 51.

Bur-jad-da, aborigines near Perth.

Bar-ra-jit, aborigines of York and Toodyay districts.

Ngoor-ja-na, aborigines of the Vasse district.

Dju-tytch, aborigines of King George's Sound.

Mr. Gilbert was informed that the stomach of this animal is frequently found to be filled with white ants.

Habitat. South portions of the Australian continent generally.

54. Dasyurus hallucatus, GouldVol. I. Pl. 52.

Habitat. Northern Australia.

Genus Thylacinus, Temm.

55. Thylacinus cynocephalusVol. I. Pls. 53 & 54.

Habitat. Van Diemen's Land.

Genus Phascolomys, Geoff.

56. Phascolomys Wombat, Pér. et Les.Vol. I. Pls. 55 & 56.

Phascolomys platyrhinus, Owen, Cat. of Osteol. Ser. in Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg. Engl. p. 334?

Habitat. Van Diemen's Land, and the islands in Bass's Straits.