Page:Mammals of Australia (Gould), introduction.djvu/62

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129. Mus sordidus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 17.

Habitat. Darling Downs.

130. Mus lineolatus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 18.

Mus gracilicaudatus, Gould in Proc.Zool.Soc.part xiii. p.77.

I now believe the animal I have thus named to be the same as M. lineolatus.

Habitat. Darling Downs.

131. Mus Gouldi, Waterh.Vol. III. Pl. 19.

Habitat. The interior of New South Wales and Western Australia, and probably of the intermediate countries.

132. Mus nanus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 20.

Habitat. Interior of Western Australia.

133. Mus albocinereus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 21.

Habitat. Western Australia.

134. Mus Novæ-Hollandiæ, Waterh.Vol. III. Pl. 22.

Habitat. New South Wales.

135. Mus delicatulus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 23.

Habitat. Port Essington.

Genus Hydromys, Geoff.

136. Hydromys chrysogaster, GeoffVol. III. Pl. 24.

Habitat. Van Diemen's Land, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

137. Hydromys fulvolavatus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 25.

Habitat. The borders of the River Murray and Lake Albert in South Australia.

138. Hydromys leucogaster, GeoffVol. III. Pl. 26.

Habitat. Banks of the Rivers Hunter and Clarence in New South Wales.

139. Hydromys fuliginosus, GouldVol. III. Pl. 27.

Habitat. King George's Sound, and the waters near Perth in Western Australia.