Page:Man's Country (1923).pdf/148

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ment she began to show an especial pleasure in his society he began to confess by his manner an especial pleasure in hers. Being a wilful and resourceful young person with entirely too much leisure on her hands, she set out deliberately to test the lengths of this responsiveness. She proposed horseback rides at what would prove unusual and perhaps difficult hours for a man in business life; and smilingly he accepted their challenge. She proposed foursomes on the golf course with breakfast after at the Country Club and cruelly forced Dean Galt to be one of the quartet—but always herself paired off with George. She made him one of a party off for a three days' cruise on the lake in her steam yacht Gray Gull.

And George Judson took no banters. He lost all shyness; his clear eyes had laughter and the joy of living and frank admiration and—something else in them when they rested on her; but she could not quite fathom what.

She said to herself that she got an unusual thrill out of him because he was so unlike the other men of her acquaintance. He seemed in some ways so much older and in others so much younger than other men who were obviously of his own age.

He charmed her physically, and he ravished her imagination by the solid things which he had done and by those which he proposed to