Page:Man's Country (1923).pdf/198

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Fay, though startled by her tone and quick to discern that Maidie thought she had hold of some sort of bad news, was quicker even in her pride and loyalty. She laughed aloud and merrily.

"Overstayed his market?" she derided. "Say, Maidie! Any time George Judson overstays his market, you just tell me, will you?"

The challenge in Fay's voice and manner was thoroughly dislodging to Maidie's assumed position.

"Oh, then," she inquired, a good deal less certain of herself, "then it isn't as bad as they say?"

But by this inquiry she carried a quick flutter to Fay's heart, for it assured the wife that "they" must have been saying something very bad indeed. Of course this connected instantly with the sleepless nights and the care lines in his face, but she would no more allow Maidie Huffler to know that she was ignorant of the details of her husband's business than she would permit her to suppose the slightest shadow hung over the bright prospects of Judson-Morris.

"Serious? Maidie! You always were credulous!" Fay laughed satirically as well as convincingly. "Tell me, child," she urged teasingly, "who has been spoofing you now?"

Maidie crimsoned slightly. "Oh, nobody in particular," she insisted apologetically. "I just sort of heard jt whispered round that he had a