Page:Man's Country (1923).pdf/209

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"Awfully kind of you to bring my wife home!" the husband said.

"Pleasure, I assure you," murmured Sir Brian, surveying Mr. Judson with unhurried self-possession.

"Won't you come in?" proposed George, cordially.

"Thank you!" said Sir Brian, but he moved toward his car as indicating that his time was limited. From the side of it he turned his blue eyes upon Fay with a smile of entire approval.

"My word, but you're a jolly good partner!" he said. "I should like nothing better than a rubber with you tomorrow if you are going to be at the club."

"Which is just what I am," beamed Fay with hearty assurance. "My husband failed me today, but he'll be out tomorrow, and we'll make it an international sweepstakes."

"Can't make it, sweetheart," confessed George ruefully.

For a moment Fay's face expressed a sweet petulance, then with the air of swift reconciliation to such disappointments she declared: "That's too bad, Sir Brian, for my husband has a wonderful mind for bridge—such concentration as you never saw; but," and her face brightened, "I'm certain to be there. Substitutes for husbands are plentiful these days!"

She laughed, and Sir Brian laughed. George