Page:Man's Country (1923).pdf/70

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"Surest thing!" boasted George, and in a sudden release of animal spirits long pent up, he seized his mother in his arms, swung her clear off the floor, and spun round with that scandalized lady stretched almost horizontal. He laughed boisterously as he let her down.

"It seems so good, George, to hear you laugh," panted his mother when things had quieted somewhat. "Seems as though as you grow up you grow kind of hard. You just smile and smile kind of cunning like a possum but you don't laugh any more. You're just all business."

"I suppose I'll laugh all the time now," responded George, "for I've just sold out my business."

"Sold it out?" exclaimed the mother, almost in alarm, while the bearded mouth of Malachi fell open in surprise and remained a gaping orifice that demanded to be filled with some sort of explanation.

"Lock, stock, and barrel!" declared George.

"Hum!" mused his father, recovering somewhat from the shock of his surprise and pulling at his beard. "What you going to take up now?"

"It isn't settled yet," said George. "But something big, you bet!"

Neither parent had a doubt of that. Leaving them puzzled, to look into each other's eyes questioningly, yet nodding and glowing or