Page:Man — Fragments of Forgotten History.djvu/130

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no more than history, has been able to look beyond a certain segment of one of these cycles; hence has arisen a vast amount of misconception regarding the origin of the primitive man as well as all his belongings, language included. Max Müller thinks it impossible to proceed in the stratification of human history lower than the period of Aryan dispersion. Seeing how many race-waves had preceded that event, of which little or no trace is left for the ordinary eye, it is not difficult to attach its proper value to his speculations on the origin of language. No wonder that his investigations do not lead him to a state of human development where reason was unaccompanied by speech, because his method is such as to exclude examination of the state where language did not exist. The speech, which is the synonym of reason, is not the language which philologists study. The Greek logos and its Sanscrit equivalent, Vach, have a deeply mystical significance. Vach is called by a Sanscrit poet, "the immortal ray of the spirit." It is the first manifestation of the great unmanifested reality in the universe of phenomena. This is the mystical Christ of the Gnostics—the manifested Logos. Vach is the negative aspect of Savda Brahma, the first flutter of the Cosmic Will after its great night of rest. in the symbology of the Hindus, this the Goddess Sarasvati, who is also known as Devasena. Her husband is the eternal celibate, Kumara. It is enough here to say, without entering into a discussion of the endless correlations of spiritual forces, that the mystical Vach is not at all what we should call language.