Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/103

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moon, an aloe-tree planted in Eden. Asmat'h seated me far off; my heart was struck as by a lance. Then she sat erect with frowning brows, angry, enraged.

507. "She said to me: 'I marvel why thou art come, thou breaker of thy binding oath, fickle and faithless, thou forsworn; but high Heaven will give thee guerdon and answer for this!' I said: 'How can I reply to what I know not?'

508. "I said: 'I cannot answer thee if I know not the truth. Wherein have I sinned, what have I done, (I) senseless and pale?' Again she said to me: 'What shall I say to thee, false and treacherous one! Why did I let myself be deceived, woman-like! For this I burn with flame.

509. "'Knowest thou not of the bringing of Khvarazmsha to wed me? Thou wert sitting as counsellor, thy consent to this was given, thou hast broken thine oath to me, the firmness and bindingness thereof. Would to God I might bring thy cunning to nought!

510. "'Rememberest thou when thou didst sigh "Ah! Ah!" when thy tears bathed the fields, and the physicians and surgeons[1] brought thee medicines? What else is there that resembles a man's falsehood? Since thou hast denied me, I, too, will renounce thee. Let us see[2] who will be the more hurt?

511. "'I tell thee this: Whosoever shall rule India I have the rule also, whether they go, trackless or by the road![3] It may not be thus! Now[4] thou hast fallen into error. Thine opinions[5] are like thee—even so untrue!

512. "'While I live, by God, thou shalt no more dwell in India. If thou seekest to tarry, the soul shall be parted from thy body! None other shalt thou find like me, even though thou stretch thy hand unto heaven!'" When the knight had ended these words he wept, moaned, and said: "Ah me!"

  1. Dastakari, dostakari, P., 874.
  2. dzi in vindzi.
  3. Cf. 405; here gza = right—"whether they use fair means or foul."
  4. Ch., ats; Car., tsa, with the sense, "Thou hast miscalculated; go to the land of mistakes!"
  5. ? Referring to his assent at the council, 497.