Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/123

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636. "I could not send them away; I hearkened to the words of my slaves, but I forsook the haunts of human tribes, the retreats of goats and stags seemed a fitting abode for me; I roamed, I trod every plain below and hill above.

637. "I found these manless caves, hollowed out by Devis.[1] I combated them, I destroyed them, they could by no means prevail[2] against me; they killed my slaves, ill had they buckled on their coats of mail. Fate made me gloomy; her showers again bespattered me.[3]

638. "Behold, brother! since that day am I here, and here I die. Mad I roam the fields; sometimes I weep and sometimes I faint. This maid will not abandon me; she too is burned by fire for her (Nestan's) sake. I have no other resource to try but death.

639. "Since a beautiful panther is portrayed to me as her image, for this I love its skin, I keep it as a coat for myself; this woman sews it, sometimes she sighs, sometimes she groans. Since I cannot kill myself, in vain is my sword whetted.

640. "The tongues of all the sages could not forth-tell her praise. Enduring life, I think upon my lost one. Since then I have consorted with the beasts, calling myself one of them; I am suitor for death, nought else I entreat of God."

641. He beat his face, he rent it, he tore[4] his cheeks of rose; the ruby turned to amber, the crystal was shattered. Avt'handil's tears flowed too; one by one they dripped from his lashes. Then the maid soothed him (Tariel); on bended knee she besought him.

642. Tariel, calmed by Asmat'h, said to Avt'handil: "I have made everything pleasant for thee, I who never found pleasure for myself. I have told thee the tale of mine irksome life; now go and see thy sun (T'hinat'hin), thou whose time for meeting is nigh."

  1. 98, 672, 977, 1340, 1344.
  2. Khap'hi, 281, 426, 1291.
  3. Ch. here inserts a quatrain (649).
  4. Aakhetsa, Cf. iakhetsa, 610.