Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/135

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710. When day dawned the knight arrayed himself and went forth early. He says: "I would that my love be not revealed, that I may conceal it!" For patience he prays: "Contrive something for my heart!" The moon-like one mounted his horse; he went to the house of the vizier.

711. The vizier heard of it, went to meet him: "The sun is risen upon my house; this day, meseems, a presentiment of joy announced to me this good news." He met (Avt'handil), saluted him, respectfully addressed to the perfect one perfect praise.[1] A welcome guest should have a cheerful host.

712. This host, not listless,[2] ill-disposed or idle, helped the knight to dismount; they stretched on the floor under his feet a Cathayan[3] (rug). The knight illumined the house as the sun's beam the universe. They said: "To-day the western gale[4] has wafted us the fragrant odour[5] of roses."

713. He sat; they that looked on him truly maddened their hearts. They who gazed on him accounted it an honour to swoon for his sake; many sighs were uttered, not once but a thousand times; they were ordered to depart, they went away, the household[6] was thinned out.

714. When the household was gone, the knight addressed the vizier; quoth he: "In the council chamber nought will ever be hidden from thee; in every matter of state[7] the king does what thou desirest, and agrees with thee. (Now) hearken to my woes; cure me with what will heal me.

  1. Keba.
  2. Gimp'hali, A., 635, 1530.
  3. Khatauri, 456.
  4. Kvena, lower, western, 28, 791; buki, snowstorm, 55, 965.
  5. Suni; Ch. reads suli, soul, which is perhaps better. In Svan and Mingrelian, soul and smell are the same.
  6. Djalabi, A., 101, 990.
  7. ? "this business (of mine)."