Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/141

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tears were not dry. I marvel why he spends his time in making jokes, why he is not grieved in heart! (Quoth he): "He who gives not what he promised quarrels with the Mourav.[1] It is said: 'A bribe settles matters even in hell.'[2]

747. "How he took the matter, what he said to me, it is not to be told by me. What evil, what stupidity, what idiocy, what madness (he attributed to me)! I myself am no longer worthy of the name of man; no longer have I sense. At this I marvel—why he slew me not; God must have given him patience.

748. "I knew too what I did; it happened not to me by mistake. I had pondered, I knew he would be wroth with me, therefore is my grief increased. None can avoid vengeance for a deed done with forethought.[3] Still, for thy sake death seems joy to me; my woes are not in vain."

749. The knight replied: "It is wholly impossible for me not to depart. When the rose withers the nightingale then dies; he must seek a dewdrop of water, for the sake of this he must rove everywhere, and if he cannot find it what will he do or wherewith shall he soothe his heart?

750. "Without him I cannot bear to sit or lie. I will choose to roam like the beasts, with them to run. Why does he (Rostevan) desire me who am in such a state[4] to fight his adversaries! It is better to have no man at all than to have a dissatisfied one.

751. "I will tell him once again; now, however angry the king may be, surely he can judge how my heart burns and flames. If he grant me not leave, I shall steal away when hope is gone. If I die, my portion and village will be uprooted."[5]

752. When they had conversed, the vizier made a banquet befitting them; he played the host, gave fair gifts to the

  1. Headman, governor, chief of police, ? arbitrator.
  2. ? the sop to Cerberus.
  3. ? vengeance aimed by Providence.
  4. Gasuli, 1125.
  5. ? "let the world be uprooted with me!" (après moi le déluge!). Sop'heli means both village and world; cf. Russian mir.