Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/157

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fate? One thinking of two,[1] I am in a parlous plight; if I die I shall not pity myself, my blood be on my head![2]

842. "My friend cast a bunch of roses on my heart, and so wounded it; that oath fulfilled by me he kept not. If, O Fate, thou partest me from him, my joy is past, to mine eyes another friend were reviled and shamed."

843. Then he said: "I marvel at the spleen[3] of a man of sense; when he is sad, of what avail is a rivulet from the terrace[4] of tears? It is better to choose, to ponder over the fitting deed. Now for me, too, it is better to seek that sun (-like one), reed-like in form."

844. The knight, weeping, besprinkled[5] with tears, set himself to search; he seeks, he calls, he cries aloud, watching by night as by day; for three days he traversed many a glen, reedy thicket, forest and field; he could not find him; sad he went, unable to learn any tidings.

845. He said: "O God, wherein have I sinned against Thee? how have I displeased Thee so greatly? why bring this fate upon me? What torture hast Thou sent upon me! Judge me, O Judge, hearken to my prayer; shorten my days, thus turn my woes to joy!"

846. Weeping and pale,[6] the knight went his way and spoke; he mounted a certain hill, the plain appeared in sunshine and shadow. He saw a black (horse) standing with the reins on his neck on the edge of the rushes. He said: "Undoubtedly it is he; of that there can be no doubt."

847. When he saw, the heart of the knight leaped up and was lightened; here to him, distressed, joy became not tenfold, but a thousandfold; the rose (of his cheeks) brightened its colour, the crystal (of his face) became crystal (indeed), the jet (of his eyes) grew jetty; like a

  1. Avt'handil thinking of T'hinat'hin and Tariel.
  2. Kedi, neck.
  3. Naghveli, bile, gall; fig., care, anxiety.
  4. Bani, roof, terrace, pipe of a stove; or ? from banva, to wash, flow; ? "a rivulet of cleansing tears."
  5. P'hrkveva, to spout, sprinkle.
  6. P'her shetzvlili.