Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/173

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940. "Come, O Marikh,[1] mercilessly pierce me with thy spear, dye me and stain me red with the flow of blood; tell her my sufferings, let her hear them with the tongue; thou knowest what I am become, no longer my heart hath joy."

941. " Come, Aspiroz,[2] aid me somewhat;[3] she has consumed me with the flame of fires, she who encircles the pearl (of her teeth) with lip of coral; thou beautifiest the fair with such charm (? as thine); one like me thou abandonest and maddenest."

942. "Otarid![4] save thee none other's fate is like to mine. The sun whirls me, lets me not go, unites with me and gives me over to burning. Sit down to write my woes! For ink I give thee a lake of tears, for pen I cut for thee a trim form, slim as a reed."[5]

943. "Come, O Moon, take pity on me; I shrink and am wasted like thee; the sun fills me, the sun, too, empties me; sometimes I am full-bodied, sometimes I am spare. Tell her my tortures, what afflicts me, how I faint. Go, say: 'Forsake him not!' I am hers, and for her sake I die.

944. "Behold, the stars bear witness, even the seven[6] confirm my words: the sun, Otarid, Musht'har and Zual faint[7] for my sake; moon, Aspiroz, Marikh, come and bear me witness; make her hear what fires consume me without thee (her)."

945. Now he says to his heart: "As the tear still flows, and is not dried, what avails it to slay thyself! It is clear thou hast fraternized with the devil as a brother. I myself know that she who maddened me has for hair the tail of a raven; but if thou bearest not grief what is the enduring of joy?[8]

946. "If I remain, this is better for me"—he speaks of

  1. Mars, planet of vengeance.
  2. Hesperus, Venus, planet of healing.
  3. Marge ra.
  4. Mercury, planet of learning.
  5. Marr, xii. 26, 28. Cf. Rust'haveli, 4, 869; also Odes, v., 50, xii. 8.
  6. 275, 1385, 1515.
  7. Bndebian.
  8. I.e., "There is no merit in enjoyment; grief shows of what stuff the heart is made."