Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/184

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1005. "Why[1] doth the ardour of grief[2] for the heroes[3] continually burn me? why is my heart of rock and cliff become a hard rock? even three lances[4] cannot show a bruise[5] on me. Thou art the cause that this world is thus envenomed[6] for me."

1006. Avt'handil fares on alone to the seashore with the four slaves, with all his might he seeks balm for Tariel; weeping by day and night he pours forth pools of tears; all the world seems to him as straw, even as straw in weight.[7]

1007. Wherever he sees travellers walking by the shore he addresses them, he asks tidings of that sun (Nestan). He roamed a hundred days. He went up a hill; camels loaded with stuff appeared; merchants[8] distressed stood in perplexity[9] on the shore.

1008. A countless caravan was there on the seashore, they were distressed, they were gloomy, they could neither stand nor go forward. The knight greeted them; they hailed him with praise. He asked: "Merchants, who are ye?" They began to converse.

1009. Usam[10] was the chief of the caravan, a wise man. He uttered respectfully a perfect eulogy,[11] he invoked blessings on (Avt'handil) and praised his manners; he said: "O sun, thou art come as our life and comforter. Dismount; we will tell thee our story and business!"

1010. He dismounted. They said: "We are Bagdad merchants, holders of the faith of Mahmad; we never drink new wines[12]; we haste to trade in the city of the Sea-King: we are rich in wholesale goods,[13] we have no cut pieces of stuff.[14]

  1. Samsalebisa, with different meanings, is the ending of all the four lines of this taepi (quatrain), of which the sense is somewhat doubtful. For sali, cf. 330, 567, 1224, 1316.
  2. Samsala.
  3. Tariel and P'hridon, or ? "of heroes."
  4. Separation from T'hinat'hin, Tariel, and P'hridon.
  5. Leba.
  6. Gasamsaleba, envenom.
  7. Cf. 238.
  8. Mokaravneni, they of the caravan.
  9. Daqrit'h, 734.
  10. A., leader of caravan, here used as proper name.
  11. Khotba, P.
  12. Madjari.
  13. Sakonel srulni.
  14. Lari, silk stuff, goods in general, merchandise, treasure; nadjari, cut off, torn, ? second-hand.