Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/192

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assembled; they pressed on this side and on that, saying: "We will gaze on him till sleeptime."[1] Some were carried away by desire, some had their souls reft from them[2]; their wives grew weary of them, their husbands were left contemned.



1054. P'hatman, Usen's wife, met him in front of the door, joyful she saluted[3] him, she showed her pleasure; they greeted each other, they went in and seated themselves. As I have observed, his coming annoyed not Dame P'hatman.

1055. Dame P'hatman was attractive to the eye,[4] not young but brisk,[5] of a good figure, dark in complexion,[6] plump-faced, not wizened, a lover of (female) minstrels[7] and singers, a wine-drinker; she had abundance of elegant gowns and head-dresses.

1056. That night Dame P'hatman entertained him right well. The knight presented beautiful gifts; they that received them said: "They are worthy!" P'hatman's entertainment of him was worth while; by God! she lost not. When they had drunken and eaten, the knight went out[8] to sleep.

1057. In the morning he showed all his wares,[9] he had them all unpacked; the fairest were laid aside for the king,[10] he had the price counted out; he said to the merchants: "Take them away!" He loaded them,[11] (and) had them carried away. He said: "Sell as ye will; reveal not who I am!"

  1. M., rulad, in the sense of dzilad; 1184.
  2. Sul-tsasuli also means "impatient"; ? spurious quatrain.
  3. Usalama.
  4. T'hvalad mardjve, "rather good-looking."
  5. Mzmeli.
  6. Shav-gvremani.
  7. Mutribni, A., 356, 470, 704, 1440, 1528.
  8. To the caravanserai.
  9. Lari.
  10. Sep'he.
  11. Ahcida.