Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/225

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1250. "His sworn brother is come in quest of thee, Avt'handil, an Arab knight[1] renowned in Arabia, Commander-in-Chief of King Rosten, to be contemned of none. Write news of thyself, thou proud one, wise in understanding!

1251. "For this purpose have we sent this slave to your presence: We would know tidings of Kadjet'hi. Have the Kadjis come home? We wish to know in detail the number of warriors there. Who are thy guards, and who is their chief?

1252. "Whatever thou knowest concerning that place, write to us, make it known. Then send some token for thy lover. All the sorrow thou hast had hitherto, change (it) into joy! May it please God that I unite the lovers so befitting each other!

1252a. "Go, O letter, hasten, if swift be thy knee![2] I envy thee, thou goest to see the crystal, jet and rubies. In fate thou art happier than I, O letter; the eyes of her who consumes me will look upon thee. If thou hearest of my life after thee, shalt thou not pity me!"[3]

1253. P'hatman gave the letter to that cunning sorcerer: "Give this letter to the sunlike maiden!" The wizard donned a certain green mantle[4] over his form; in that very moment he was lost to view, he flew over the roofs.

1254. He went like an arrow shot by a swift-bowed archer. When he reached Kadjet'hi it was just dusk twilight. Invisible he passed the multitude of knights[5] guarding the gates. He gave to that sun the greeting of her who longed for her.

1255. He passed the closed gates of the castle as if they had been open; the negro entered, the black-faced, long-

  1. Moqme.
  2. Mukhli, ? here "foot"; also "paragraph, clause."
  3. Ch.; quatrain not in Car. and Karthv.; probably by a later hand, reminiscent of Ovid. Cf. Tristia, V. iv. 4: "Heu quanto melior sors tua sorte mea est!" The last line is obscure.
  4. Moli, "short black mantle" (Ch.); "mantle, cloak" (Ch. Dict.); "green cloak" (King Theimuraz); "black cloak" (Abul.). Another meaning of moli is "fresh grass" (cf. Gr. moly), and it has this sense in Imeret'hi nowadays; and a third is, "apiary, cell of queen bee."
  5. Moqme.